Beyond meeting basic needs such as food, clothing, transportation (bus passes) and shelter, our Emergency Services Program represents a comprehensive housing and services program. Residents (referred to as guests) are assigned a coach who has received training on a variety of topics relevant to our guests' needs.
Together, the guest and coach work collaboratively to create a self-sufficiency plan in which the goals of the guest are outlined and tailored to the ability of each person. Guests are provided access and linkage to whatever is necessary in order to achieve individual and family self-sufficiency.
The Center for the Homeless also provides year-round amnesty to any Veteran seeking shelter, no questions asked. These individuals on amnesty not only receive emergency safe shelter from 8 p.m. - 8 a.m., but are also given an opportunity to shower, and are provided hygiene, clothing and outerwear items as needed. They are also given priority placement when a bed opens in the residential program, should they decide they are ready to take steps to transform their lives.
The Center for the Homeless is the largest emergency housing program in this community, serving approximately 40% of people experiencing homelessness on any given night.
Providing 73,000 safe bed stays a year.

On any given day there are approximately 500 men, women and children experiencing homelessness in
Saint Joseph County.