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Attaining Self-Sufficiency | Adult Programming Services
STAR (Self-Growth, Training, Academics, Relationship Building) is our flagship programming for adults at the Center for the Homeless. Located in our Job Training & Education Center, we provide guests with comprehensive access to the educational and workforce development resources necessary to attain self-sufficiency.
STAR programming allows for the development of hard skills and soft skills to obtain and maintain employment, certification of job readiness, and adult education to remediate gaps in learning.
Each offering in our program provides a trauma-informed approach to education and skill-building. Classes consist of community orientation and three programming tracks. Six days per week, a computer lab is open to all guests where they can receive assistance applying for programs and jobs, update their resumes and cover letters, conduct research, and homework for school.
Track 1: Self Growth
SOSH: Starting Over, Stepping Higher. This program has been created to help guests get focused and healthy. Within this program, guests have many chances to work on their physical and emotional health.
DRIVE: Developing Resilience in Veterans and guests Experiences. This program helps guests transition back to independent housing by offering training in financial literacy and tenant education.
HOME: Helping Our Mothers Excel. This program helps mothers who are parenting children to develop the skills to become good advocates for their children, build and model healthy relationships, search for and maintain appropriate housing, and navigate public assistance programs.

Track 2: Skilled Training
In this track, guests are given a chance to sharpen their on-the-job skills as well as create and update resumes and cover letters. They also work on basic and advanced computer knowledge and many other crucial skills for getting back in the workforce. We want to help our guests get more than a job--we want them to find a career they can enjoy for years.
Track 3: Academics
Education is a key part of our programs. We encourage guests to get their HSE (GED) by offering on-site, online prep classes and are also preparing computer literacy and reading literacy programs. Finally, we partner with several community organizations that offer educational courses and certification programs. ​

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